Wo Götzendienst zum Segen wird Die Afrikanische Traditionelle Religion Ermöglicht
auf einzigartige Weise interreligiöses Beten
Paper given during Kirchentag in Munich, Germany.
auf einzigartige Weise interreligiöses Beten
Paper given during Kirchentag in Munich, Germany.

From Network Community to Real Human Communities. The Supreme Value of Physical human Encounter.
A Keynote Address for the 53rd World Communications Day Celebration, Catholic Diocese of Nnewi.
A Keynote Address for the 53rd World Communications Day Celebration, Catholic Diocese of Nnewi.

Current Issues for Philosophical and Theological Reflections in Nigeria
A Keynote Address at a Memorial Lecture on The Role of Philosophical and Theological Reflection in the birth of a Civilized Society. St Pope John Paul II Major Seminary, Okpuno Awka.
Current Issues for Philosophical and Theological Reflections in Nigeria
A Keynote Address at a Memorial Lecture on The Role of Philosophical and Theological Reflection in the birth of a Civilized Society. St Pope John Paul II Major Seminary, Okpuno Awka.

Malattie e Guarigione nelle Religioni Tradizionali e nel Cristianesimo.
On Sickness and Healing in Traditional Religions and Christianity. Public Lecture given at Camillianum Institute. Rome
On Sickness and Healing in Traditional Religions and Christianity. Public Lecture given at Camillianum Institute. Rome

Les défis du dialogue interreligieux en Afrique. Une Réflexion.
VIIIeme Colloque du Centre dÉtude des Religions Traditionnelles Africaines, Kinshasa.
VIIIeme Colloque du Centre dÉtude des Religions Traditionnelles Africaines, Kinshasa.

Principles of Interreligious Dialogue: The Teaching of the Catholic Church.
Paper for the Workshop on Interreligious Dialogue Organized by Nigerian Conference of Women Religious (Kaduna, Nigeria) on 5 September, 2008.
Paper for the Workshop on Interreligious Dialogue Organized by Nigerian Conference of Women Religious (Kaduna, Nigeria) on 5 September, 2008.

O Significado do Diálogo Interreligioso: A perspectiva da Igreja Católica.
X Semana Teológica de Beira, Moçambique. 2005
X Semana Teológica de Beira, Moçambique. 2005

Pathways to Peace in Africa : A Reflection from the African Traditional Religious Perspective.
Transcript of a paper delivered at the Conference of the Parliament of World’s Religions held in Barcelona, Spain on 11 July, 2004.
Transcript of a paper delivered at the Conference of the Parliament of World’s Religions held in Barcelona, Spain on 11 July, 2004.

Religions in Sub-Saharan Africa: Working and Walking together: A Christian Reflection.
This lecture was delivered at the Department of Missiology, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa, on 3 April, 2003 and published in Pro Dialogo 114 (2003/3) 354-366.
This lecture was delivered at the Department of Missiology, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa, on 3 April, 2003 and published in Pro Dialogo 114 (2003/3) 354-366.

Dialogue with Followers of African Traditional Religion: Progress and Challenges.
Paper presented at a Conference in the Department of Missiology, University of South Africa, Johannesburg, on 4 April, 2003.
Paper presented at a Conference in the Department of Missiology, University of South Africa, Johannesburg, on 4 April, 2003.

“Who made the Drum knows what is inside it” Interpreting Sacred Messages in Pluralist Contexts. The example of adherents of African Traditional Religion.
Paper presented at a seminar on «Reading the Scriptures in Pluralist Contexts», 30 June, 2003, at Bossey, Switzerland.
Paper presented at a seminar on «Reading the Scriptures in Pluralist Contexts», 30 June, 2003, at Bossey, Switzerland.

Managing conflicts in African Context: The role of Religious Leaders.
Paper read at the UNESCO International Congress on “Dialogue of Civilizations, Religions and Cultures in West Africa” Abuja, Nigeria, 15 – 17 December, 2003.
Paper read at the UNESCO International Congress on “Dialogue of Civilizations, Religions and Cultures in West Africa” Abuja, Nigeria, 15 – 17 December, 2003.

The Challenge of Deepening Evangelization in AMECEA Region: The Place of Interreligious Dialogue.
Opening Address at the 14th Plenary Assembly of the Association of Member Episcopal Conferences of Eastern Africa (AMECEA)
Opening Address at the 14th Plenary Assembly of the Association of Member Episcopal Conferences of Eastern Africa (AMECEA)

Motivazioni della Chiesa Cattolica per il Dialogo con la Religione tradizionale Africana.
Una Conversazione con gli Studenti del Dipartimento di Studi Storico'Religiosi dellà Universit\a degli Studi °LA SAPIENZA°.
Una Conversazione con gli Studenti del Dipartimento di Studi Storico'Religiosi dellà Universit\a degli Studi °LA SAPIENZA°.

Dialogue with African Traditional Religion: The Changing attitude of the the Catholic Church.
Paper read at the Workshop for Promoters of Interreligious Dialogue in sub-Saharan Africa held in Nairobi, Kenya, from 24-31 August, 1999.
Paper read at the Workshop for Promoters of Interreligious Dialogue in sub-Saharan Africa held in Nairobi, Kenya, from 24-31 August, 1999.

La Religiosità Africana nella Musica.
Un intervento alla Conferenza su «Le vere origini e l’evoluzione della musica Gospel» organizzata dall’Associazione GUEST HOUSE.
Un intervento alla Conferenza su «Le vere origini e l’evoluzione della musica Gospel» organizzata dall’Associazione GUEST HOUSE.

Reflecting on Tribal Values.
This paper was presented as a seminar on “Dialogue with Indigenous Religions, Building the Future Together,” organised by Christian and other Tribal Leaders at Ranchi, India, 11 August, 1997 and was published as an article in Pro Dialogo 99 (1998/3), 295-301.
This paper was presented as a seminar on “Dialogue with Indigenous Religions, Building the Future Together,” organised by Christian and other Tribal Leaders at Ranchi, India, 11 August, 1997 and was published as an article in Pro Dialogo 99 (1998/3), 295-301.

"Come and See" (Jn 1,46). COMMUNICATING BY ENCOUNTERING PEOPLE WHERE AND AS THEY ARE". Reflecting on the Holy Father's Message for 2021 World Communications Day.
Homily during the Mass at St Gabriel’s Chapel, Catholic Resource Centre Abuja, 16 May, 2021.
A Live Broadcast by AIT Television
Homily during the Mass at St Gabriel’s Chapel, Catholic Resource Centre Abuja, 16 May, 2021.
A Live Broadcast by AIT Television

Caritas Christi urget nos (2 Corinthians 5,14).
Homily at the Mass of the Golden Jubilee Celebration of the Foundation of Daughters of Divine Love Congregation (DDL). Enugu.
Homily at the Mass of the Golden Jubilee Celebration of the Foundation of Daughters of Divine Love Congregation (DDL). Enugu.

Building up Real Human Societies: Reflecting on the Holy Father's Message for 2019 World Communications Day. Homily during the Mass at St Gabriel’s Chapel, Catholic Resource Centre Abuja.
A Live Broadcast by AIT Television
A Live Broadcast by AIT Television

Our Blessed Mother, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, invites us.
Homily at the Church of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel & Raphael during the Redemptorists/Parish Feast of our Mother of Perpetual Help, Satellite Town, Lagos.
Homily at the Church of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel & Raphael during the Redemptorists/Parish Feast of our Mother of Perpetual Help, Satellite Town, Lagos.

A Priest of Divine Providence: Francis Cardinal Arinze at Sixty as a Priest
Homily during the Thanksgiving Mass Celebration at the Holy Trinity Basilica Square, Onitsha
Homily during the Thanksgiving Mass Celebration at the Holy Trinity Basilica Square, Onitsha

MY WORDS OF GRATITUDE: In total obedience to the Holy Father, Pope Francis, and without any reservation, here I am… I REPORT FOR DUTY.
Words of Gratitude after Episcopal Consecration on Friday, 1 May 2015.
Words of Gratitude after Episcopal Consecration on Friday, 1 May 2015.
![]() KARFREITAG: Unser Herr Jesus Christus hat uns gezeigt, wie sehr er uns liebt. WAS IST UNSERE ANTWORT? Good Friday in KATHOLISCHE KIRCHE ST SEBASTIAN, ROISDORF.

Liebe, Respekt, Treue und Vertrauen.
Wedding Homily in the Church of St Lambertus, Düsseldorf, Germany.
Wedding Homily in the Church of St Lambertus, Düsseldorf, Germany.

The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Impending Visit of Pope Francis to Korea 2014. A Vatican Radio Reflection and Commentary

“In Africa la Chiesa svolge il ruolo vitale.”
Il nigeriano Chidi Denis Isizoh delinea alcune delle sfide che attendono il continente africano.
Il nigeriano Chidi Denis Isizoh delinea alcune delle sfide che attendono il continente africano.

The Church in Africa: Instrument of Dialogue and Reconciliation.
Interview on the current Muslim-Catholic relations in Africa, in the context of the Second African Synod that will be celebrated in October.
Interview on the current Muslim-Catholic relations in Africa, in the context of the Second African Synod that will be celebrated in October.

On the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2012.
A Vatican Radio Reflection.
A Vatican Radio Reflection.

The Youth and the Use of Social Media
Opening Address to Young People at the National Catholic Youth Day Celebration, Calabar, Nigeria.
Opening Address to Young People at the National Catholic Youth Day Celebration, Calabar, Nigeria.

Catholic Media in Nation Building.
Opening Remarks at the Second Convention of the Catholic Media Practitioners Association of Nigeria (CAMPAN), at Lumen Christi Event Centre, Lekki-Lagos.
Opening Remarks at the Second Convention of the Catholic Media Practitioners Association of Nigeria (CAMPAN), at Lumen Christi Event Centre, Lekki-Lagos.

Synod Ending General Remarks. Relatio post Disceptationem.
Second Onitsha Archdiocesan Synod.
Second Onitsha Archdiocesan Synod.

Synod Starting General Remarks. Relatio ante Disceptationem.
Second Onitsha Archdiocesan Synod.
Second Onitsha Archdiocesan Synod.

Monsignor Hypolite Adigwe: A Priest of God.
Festschrift Eightieth Birthday Celebration
Festschrift Eightieth Birthday Celebration

"The One-World Church emerges." A Rebuttal
A 1999 letter to refute misinformation about Catholic Church's interreligious initiatives.
A 1999 letter to refute misinformation about Catholic Church's interreligious initiatives.

The Mission of Christians among other Believers: Witness in Dialogue.
A Contribution to the “Festschrift” in honour of Monsignor Professor Theophilus Okere on the occasion of the Golden Jubilee celebration of his Priestly Ordination, Owerri - Nigeria, 2012.
A Contribution to the “Festschrift” in honour of Monsignor Professor Theophilus Okere on the occasion of the Golden Jubilee celebration of his Priestly Ordination, Owerri - Nigeria, 2012.

Praying in Interreligious Context. Possibilities. African Experience.
German Translation published in Missio korrespondenz 2(2010), in preparation for 2010 Kirchentag in Munich.
German Translation published in Missio korrespondenz 2(2010), in preparation for 2010 Kirchentag in Munich.

Mai più Violenza in nome di Dio!
Una reflessione sulla seconda Giornata di preghiera per la pace nel mondo tenuta ad Assisi.
Una reflessione sulla seconda Giornata di preghiera per la pace nel mondo tenuta ad Assisi.

Motivation of the Catholic Church to Dialogue with African Traditional Religion.
Conversation with Students of the Department Religious History of Università di Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” Rome, 23 May, 1999.
Conversation with Students of the Department Religious History of Università di Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” Rome, 23 May, 1999.

African Traditional Religious Perspective of the “Areopagus Speech” (Acts 17, 22-31).
Taken from a doctoral dissertation “The Resurrected Jesus Preached in Athens: The Areopagus Speech (Acts 17, 16-34) — An Inquiry into the Reasons for the Greek Reaction to the Speech and a Reading of the Text from the African Traditional Religious Perspective.” The summary used here is as done by the author himself for a paper he presented.
Taken from a doctoral dissertation “The Resurrected Jesus Preached in Athens: The Areopagus Speech (Acts 17, 16-34) — An Inquiry into the Reasons for the Greek Reaction to the Speech and a Reading of the Text from the African Traditional Religious Perspective.” The summary used here is as done by the author himself for a paper he presented.

JUDAS ISCARIOT, "THE TRAITOR", A Brief Reflection on his Life and Role in the History of Salvation. Taken from Paper submitted to Faculty of Theology, Bigard Memorial Seminary, Enugu